About Part 2

PART TWO is aimed at those wishing to become Practitioners with a Special Clinical Interest. It is expected that candidates will have completed the Part One Certificate and have an ongoing case load working with substance misusers.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Part 2 2011 Pass Results

Please find below the results of the Part 2 2011.

If your name is not on the list you will receive a letter explaining why.

Congratulations to all that have passed.

Miss Adechi Fehintola Adechi
Dr Adefowope Oluseyi
Dr Akhtar Fauzia M
Ms Allen Jaqueline
Dr Arif Shahzad Ali Saeed
Dr Bekas Barzan
Dr Betts Allyson
Mr Bishop Andrew Robert
Dr Blackwell Bruce
Mrs Broadbent Amanda Louise
Dr Brown Amanda
Miss Bushell Enid
Dr Carslake Eleanor Penrose
Dr Chiddick Lucy
Dr Copeman Stacey
Cumberland Louise
Mr da Cal Joao
Miss Davies Rachel
Dr Davis Christopher Charles
Dr Davis Henry
Dr De Vries Hendrik
Dr Dempsey Owen Phillip
Dr Duffield Lucy Alison
Dr Dyson Gary
Dr Fisher Robert Holdrich
Dr Ghaebi Hamidreza
Dr Gillberry Anne
Dr Greenham Anna Ruth
Miss Griffin Keeley Jo
Gyngell Eleanor
Dr Hanif Naureen
Mrs Harding Jacqueline
Dr Hawkins Charlotte
Dr Hodun Katarzyna Maria
Dr Horner Simon Scadding
Mrs Hulme Nina Elizabeth
Mrs Ingham-Jones Sarah
Dr Jacobs Philip
Dr Jeevaratnam Shabita
Dr Jessa Emmannel Orhie
Mr Jollands Patrick Andrew
Dr Jones Kevin
Dr Kirkman Patricia
Miss Kneen Charlie
Miss Kozak Maria
Dr Kumar Annapuma
Dr Kumar Navneet
Dr Lama Tsering
Dr Lee David
Miss Loveridge Melanie
Dr Martindale Fiona
Mrs Maxwell Susan
McGowan Shamiso
Mrs Meux Nicky
Dr Mitchell Sarah
Mrs Mortimer Laura Maher
Dr Muehlbayer Simone
Mrs Ngonga Nancy Rumbidzai
Dr Norwood Catherine
Dr Oo Tint Zin
Dr Osman Rabia
Miss Panter Kerry
Dr Pocock Christopher
Dr Porter Andrew
Mr Qureshi Sheraz
Dr Raftery Zoe
Mr Rampall Iswarduth
Mrs Ranyard Claire
Dr Rees Jane
Miss Reynolds Sheryl Anne
Dr Rieborn Marcus
Miss Ring Sallyanne
Mrs Robbins Jacqueline Ann
Dr Sandhu Punit
Miss Schaefer Heike
Dr Selim Magdi
Dr Shetty Sangeeta
Dr Sinha Anupam
Mr Smith James Paul
Dr Smith Kate
Dr Smith Martin
Ms Smith Maxine Louise
Dr Smithson Philippa
Ms Tafirenyika Stellah
Dr Tan Kevin
Mrs Taylor Elizabeth Anne
Dr Tirmizi Syed Hammad
Mrs Tucker Sarah
Dr Ullah Obaid
Mrs Walker Trina Louise
Dr Whitby Pete
Mr Wilson Lee
Dr Wilson Ashley Sarah
Dr Wrigley Richard
Dr Wrigley Antonia Joanne
Dr Yahioglu Fulya
Ms Yates Vikki