About Part 2

PART TWO is aimed at those wishing to become Practitioners with a Special Clinical Interest. It is expected that candidates will have completed the Part One Certificate and have an ongoing case load working with substance misusers.

Thursday 25 August 2011

Part Two 2011 End of Year

2011 Certificate in Management of Substance Misuse – Part Two

I am just here to remind you of the process for submitting your Assessment Folder for the RCGP SMU Assessment Board.

You will need to make sure that you send your completed Assessment Folder to the RCGP SMU (please see new address details below) by the end of the working day on Wednesday the 5th of October 2011.

If your folder arrives after this date it will not be eligible for the 2011 Assessment Board and this will result in you not being awarded the Part 2 Certificate until the Board meet again in November 2012.

The Board will meet on Thursday the 5th of November 2011 and will award either a pass, fail or defer with conditions.

Shortly after the Assessment Board has met, the names of all candidates who have passed will be posted on the RCGP Website: http://tinyurl.com/42ou3dn

Following the posting on the website you will receive written confirmation of your result, and the return of your Assessment Folder.

Please do not call the SMU Administrative Team for your results as they will not be able to give them out over the phone at that time.

Your Assessment Folder needs to contain only the following information:

• Completed front sheet with name, Tutor name and return address
• Signed attendance sheet
• Completed Tutor’s assessment
• A marked copy of the Critical Appraisal of an academic paper
• Your Significant Event Report
• Your Field Visit Report
• Your Practice Audit
• Your Log Book
• Signed Plagiarism Declaration Form
• Signed Self Declaration Form

The address to send your folder to will be:
RCGP - Enrique Ramos
1 Bow Churchyard, London, EC4M 9DQ

Please contact Myself (Enrique) if you need any further information – 0203 188 7647