About Part 2

PART TWO is aimed at those wishing to become Practitioners with a Special Clinical Interest. It is expected that candidates will have completed the Part One Certificate and have an ongoing case load working with substance misusers.

Friday 5 November 2010

Part 2 2010 Results

Please find below the Part 2 results.
I am sorry for the long wait.
If your name is not on the list your folder is still being review.
Again I am sorry for the long delay.
You shall be receiving your certificate in the post soon.

Dr Forida Abdullah
Dr Rashid Ahmad
Dr Rohaila Noshad Ahmed
Dr Muhammad Tanveer Alam
Miss Elizabeth Albertina
Dr Muhammad Zubair Ali
Dr Haseeb Amjad
Dr Richard Aw
Mrs Amelia Bailey
Miss Thembeka Bana
Mrs Claire Barber
Dr Laurent Bare
Dr Richard Donovan Barker
Mrs Sandra Elaine Barton
Dr Saheel Hussain Batt
Dr Elizabeth Marie Belham
Dr Victoria Bentley
Dr Arnold Berger
Dr Peter Billingsley
Dr Christopher Mark Binns
Dr Ducan Edward Blake
Dr Marija Bogdanovska-Marinova
Dr Hari Mohan Bonthala
Mr James Boyd
Dr Harriet Bradley
Mrs Jayne Donna Bridge
Miss Rebecca Brown
Dr Jennifer Mary Calvert
Miss Abioseh (Abby) Campbell
Miss Jennifer Carr
Dr David John Cavanagh
Miss Missbah Chaudhry
Dr Nasimul Choudhury
Ms Emma Coffield
Mr Anthony Paul Cosco
Dr Lindsey Crockett
Dr John Paul Culling
Miss Emma Dalwood
Dr Ellora Das
Dr Louise Davis
Miss Jennifer Dawson
Dr Theresa Jemima Murphy De Souza
Dr Samuel Dearman
Dr Sunila Dhaduvai
Ms Christine Dodd
Dr John A Ellerton
Miss Emily Rachel Fisher
Dr John Neil Fisher
Dr Neil Antony Forsdyke
Miss Lorraine Freemantle
Mr Gordon Garrick
Mr James Gasson
Mr Shawn Gaywood
Dr Ajaya Ghosh
Mrs Karen Gilliver
Dr Elise Godfrey
Dr Laimonas Goncaras
Dr Ugandrie Govender
Dr Christine Greenshaw
Dr Rachel Grenfell
Mr Hassan Hajat
Miss Catherine Hardy Elizabeth
Mrs Julie Harrington
Ms Kate Mary Harrison
Miss Rebecca Hayden
Mrs Joanne Hayward
Miss Tracey Hegarty
Dr Chandrika Hirani
Miss Michelle Hodkinson
Mrs Coryn Hudson
Dr Richard Ibrahim
Miss Paula Irvine
Dr Ashrafi Jabin
Dr Sushmita Kakati
Dr Sharan Kaur
Dr Muhammad Akbar Khan
Dr Peter Klesse
Dr Kyle Knox
Dr Juergen Kraemer
Miss Adeyinka Kumuyi
Dr Andreas G Lehmann
Dr Martin Lindsay
Mr Michael John Line
Mr William John Lloyd
Miss Tabitha Love
Dr Alyson Macpherson
Mrs Sara Malone
Dr Maurice Mann
Miss Lisa McGuinness
Miss Kerry Louise McKay
Dr Nkwayep Lawou Mpafe
Dr Melanie Fiona Munro
Dr Jan Musil
Miss Melissa Nash
Dr Joanna Helen Newell
Miss Mbilitam Ngozi
Dr Margus Noormets
Miss Jacqueline O'Brien
Dr Abdi-llah Abucar Osman
Mrs Amanda Plater
Mrs Jacqui Prescott
Mrs Susan Puckey
Mr Martin Richardson
Dr Jonathan Ring
Dr David James Robertson
Dr Ibraham Ademola Salau
Dr Mita Sau
Dr Heather Wynne Scott
Mr David Sharpe
Ms Stella Simpson
Mr Jacob Skaria
Mrs Wendy Smith
Miss Michelle Louise Smith
Mrs Rooksana Sobhee
Dr Ravinder Nath Sood
Dr Ann-Marie Stewart
Dr Malcolm Stone
Dr Mark Struthers
Miss Barbara Sullivan
Dr Dax Tennant
Dr Tony Thekkekkara
Dr Geraint Huw Thomas
Ms Louise Tiffen
Miss Lorraine Diane Tomlinson
Dr Tuan Tran
Mrs Wendy Tubby
Dr Michael Uti
Mr Ravi Vaitha
Dr Nanthakumar Vaithilingam
Dr Roya Vaziri
Miss Sue Waldron
Mrs Tracey Jane Walker
Dr Ian Wall
Dr Pamela Walters
Dr David William Earl Ward
Miss Laura Jane Ward
Mrs Kay Marie Whinfrey
Dr Deborah Kathleen Wilmot
Mrs Claire Wood
Mr Matthew William Young
Dr Jolly Zachariah
Dr Ashraf Zaman